Collection: Smart Home Devices

Find a Smart Lock Deadbolt & Other Home Electronic Essentials

Ready to upgrade your home electronics? We are proud to be your one-stop shop for products that make your home better. When you shop here at Electra Widgets, you can always count on us to bring you cutting-edge technology that is going to make your home life easier. There is something for everyone! If you are looking to update your home security, take a look at what we have to offer to find the smart lock deadbolt, anti-theft file storage cabinet, or wireless surveillance camera that is going to help you feel safe and secure. When it comes to personal care, you can’t go wrong with options like a blood sugar monitor, electric toothbrush, and infrared digital thermometer. You will be happy that you chose Electra Widgets!

Have Fun with a Retro Game Consol & Thousands of Built-In Games

There is no better place to find great deals on the devices that make your home safer and more convenient. From wireless chargers for your mobile electronics to smart door locks to electric milk frothers for a delicious brunch treat, we have it all. You are going to love browsing everything we offer to find the right fit for your needs and a few products you didn’t know you needed! It’s always our mission to provide you with the devices and the help that is going to help you to simplify your busy lifestyle and make your home even more comfortable. Shop now!